Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Script Preview

Oh okay, I woke up at 11 last night cause I heard shuffling in my dorm and it was only your brother. I’m Diego by the way, welcome to Alpine.

Diego walks to Harley and SHAKES her hand.

          Hi Harley! I’m Riley.

Riley walks up to Harley and shakes her hand.

Hey Harley, good to see you again.


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I'm writing a script

Okay, so I sort of 'bent the rules' to script frenzy... but seriously, what with ASTI and HW and Pre-Cal and interviews and what-not, I AM NOT GOING TO WRITE 100 PAGES IN 30 DAYS.

I already had a plan set out too: half the month with 4 pages a day, and the rest 3 pages a day = 100 pages of nothing but script.

By 'bending the rules', I meant writing ahead, which is against the rules by the way...cheating. I feel so bad, but it gives me an opportunity to seek out flaws from my readers.

So far, my idea has come clear in my script......

It's another friggin teen romance movie, and yes, the movies that it comes out of is quite clear.

I seem to have a tendency of writing something similar to a movie plot, not knowing it, and THEN figuring out where I got it.

The first snippet is coming up! (don't get excited)